Indicator: 6.3 Participation of diverse groups in the work of parliament

It takes strategic and concerted effort and resources to make parliament accessible to all groups. This often requires proactive outreach and collaboration with others who can connect with certain groups within the community and bridge the divides that exist.

Parliaments have a responsibility to create an environment that allows civil society to make its voice heard. They therefore need to engage with civil society organizations (CSOs) and ensure that participatory processes are both inclusive and invite input from diverse groups.

Parliament Parliament A national body of elected (or sometimes appointed) representatives that makes laws, debates issues and holds the government to account. should place a special emphasis on those who have historically been marginalized, such as women, youth, persons with disabilities, and remote and minority groups, including by developing specific engagement tools for these sections of the community.

Without this effort, parliaments risk speaking only with politically engaged groups and hearing only those voices that can reach them easily – those who are often already empowered.

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