Indicator: 1.6 Law-making

In most jurisdictions, law-making is regarded as parliament’s primary function. The principles that underpin law-making are usually set out in the country’s constitution and/or other aspects of the legal framework.

This indicator covers all aspects of the law-making function. It includes the processes by which legislation is prepared (legislative drafting), the powers of the various participants in the legislative process to initiate, debate, amend and adopt legislation, and the ordinary procedure by which legislation passes through all stages of parliament, including both houses in bicameral systems. It also includes processes for the fast-tracking of legislation, as well as the necessary protections to ensure proper consideration even when legislation is fast-tracked.

For the purposes of this indicator, arrangements for making and amending the constitution are treated separately from the processing of ordinary laws.

This indicator also covers processes for the promulgation (assent and enactment) of legislation and its publication in the official journal once it has passed through parliament.

Many parliaments have recognized that their role does not end once legislation has been passed, and have therefore introduce processes for post-legislative scrutiny (PLS), including for delegated legislation. These processes are also covered in this indicator.

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